Medailonky stážistů

Seznamte se s našimi stážisty a stážistkami a zjistěte, co je přivedlo na stáž Otevřené vědy.

Tadeáš T., 18 let

fotografie studenta
Stáž: Understanding Shape memory alloys by powder metallurgical route
Ústav: Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
Škola: Gymnázium, Ostrava-Zábřeh, Volgogradská 6a

1. Proč jste se přihlásili do projektu Otevřená věda Akademie věd ČR a co vás zaujalo na této stáži?
I applied to the Open Science project of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic not only because of my positive experience from last year, but also because I am very interested in combining the topic of the internship with my electronic projects. During my previous participation I realized what opportunities and inspiration new scientific environments can offer. I want to use this opportunity to connect my existing know-how in electronics with the new challenges and insights that these internships can bring. I expect that participating in this internship will significantly broaden my horizons and bring new perspectives. I believe that the experience I have gained will be an asset in my future choice of university and in deciding on my career path. I expect that the internship will provide me not only with professional knowledge, but also with practical skills and the opportunity to work in an inspiring scientific environment. I look forward to the rewarding challenges and how this experience will help me better navigate the world of science and make decisions about my future educational and career path.

2. Představte si, že jste vynálezci – co byste vynalezli a proč?
I applied to the Open Science project of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic not only because of my positive experience from last year, but also because I am very interested in combining the topic of the internship with my electronic projects. During my previous participation I realized what opportunities and inspiration new scientific environments can offer. I want to use this opportunity to connect my existing know-how in electronics with the new challenges and insights that these internships can bring. I expect that participating in this internship will significantly broaden my horizons and bring new perspectives. I believe that the experience I have gained will be an asset in my future choice of university and in deciding on my career path. I expect that the internship will provide me not only with professional knowledge, but also with practical skills and the opportunity to work in an inspiring scientific environment. I look forward to the rewarding challenges and how this experience will help me better navigate the world of science and make decisions about my future educational and career path.

3. Vaše záliby, koníčky:
My hobbies include programming, 3D printing and modeling, and working with microcontrollers. I'm fascinated by how things work. I like to climb artificial walls and rocks and go on bike rides when the weather is nice. Creating electronic projects (see is also an important part of my free time, as it provides me not only with the joy of creating, but also with the constant motivation to explore and improve my skills.

NEZ kreslená věda

je ojedinělý popularizačně-vzdělávací cyklus Akademie věd České republiky. Krátká animovaná videa tematicky zaměřená na vědu a poznání edukační a zábavnou formou přibližují zajímavé jevy z vědní oblasti (nejen) studentům a pedagogům středních škol.