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Benjamin Grison

Stáž: Discovering the properties of the magnetosphere with spacecraft data
Ústav: Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR, v. v. i.

What is your field of expertise?

Basic answer: I analyze spacecraft data to understand the magnetized environment of the Earth Advanced answer: a field of expertize is usually narrow. Mine is the generation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves (EMIC) and their interaction with the plasma in the Earth's magnetosphere.

Why did you decide to join the Open Science project?

I appreciate  working  with students of any level! And anyone who is interested in science should get the opportunity to learn more.

How was your journey to science and to work for CAS?

It was a long journey;) I started as  mechanical engineer in France and I ended up as an astrophysicist in Prague. In between I realized that I would like to study fundamental research so I made a PhD in astrophysics. Afterwards I met my wife (Czech) during my post-doctoral studies. Finally I get a job opportunity in the CAS. A ted' umím mluvit i česky.

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je ojedinělý popularizačně-vzdělávací cyklus Akademie věd České republiky. Krátká animovaná videa tematicky zaměřená na vědu a poznání edukační a zábavnou formou přibližují zajímavé jevy z vědní oblasti (nejen) studentům a pedagogům středních škol.