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Gabriele Tosadori

fotografie studenta
Stáž: Discover soil microbial communities with bioinformatics!
Ústav: Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

What is your field of expertise?

I am a bioinformatician, i.e. I mostly deal with computers and programming. I also know a good amount of biology because it is necessary to actually interpret the data I work with.

Why did you decide to join the project?

I enjoy interacting with students and showing them there are endless possibilities to express themselves, even in science. I think that merging two topics that may seem distant from each other, like (micro)biology and computers, is a very good way of doing it.

How was your journey to science and to work for CAS?

I started my journey studying agriculture in high school then bioinformatics at the university. After my Ph.D., I ended up doing a postdoc here in Prague because I was, and still am, interested in climate change and ecosystems.

NEZ kreslená věda

je ojedinělý popularizačně-vzdělávací cyklus Akademie věd České republiky. Krátká animovaná videa tematicky zaměřená na vědu a poznání edukační a zábavnou formou přibližují zajímavé jevy z vědní oblasti (nejen) studentům a pedagogům středních škol.